Air Conditioning Tip 2: Avoiding Problems with Your Air Conditioning Installation

ac designs team

One of the best things that you can do for the life and efficiency of your air conditioner is to get it installed by a professional technician. There are a few common mistakes that homeowners make during the process that can be easily avoided. At AC Designs Inc., we offer complete air conditioning installation for many different types and brand of air conditioning systems in Jacksonville, FL. We wanted to help our customers be able to avoid some of the common AC installation pitfalls that we see.

Finding a new air conditioning system can be a hard process. Not only are there many different brands of air conditioners, but there are different sizes of AC units and efficiency ratings as well. Navigating this can be frustrating and difficult. Here are common mistakes:

  • Buy the wrong sized AC – We often see homeowners who go out and find the biggest AC system that they can afford. While this might seem like it would mean that your home would be more comfortable, the opposite is what will likely happen. With an AC unit that is too large, your air conditioner will turn on, cool your home quickly, shut off and then come back on shortly after. This is called “short cycling” and it puts a huge strain on your AC and it also decreases efficiency.
  • Not get regular maintenance – One of the best things that homeowners can do for the efficiency and life of their air conditioning system is to set it up with regular maintenance early. During regular maintenance visits, our technicians will visit your home on a regular basis and thoroughly inspect, clean and repair all of the components of your AC system. This will allow them to find and repair any small problems that have started to develop with the system. This could potentially allow you to avoid repairs, increase efficiency and extend the life of your air conditioning system.

For all your Jacksonville, FL air conditioning installation make sure that you work with the professionals at AC Designs Inc..