The Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League is an independent non-profit corporation committed to helping kids in the community. The Flagler Sheriff’s PAL is composed of hundreds of police officers who volunteer their time to organize activities for young people in the community. Programs include sports, educational and mentoring opportunities.

The Second Harvest Food Bank is a non-profit organization whose mission is to distribute food and grocery products to families in need in 18 counties in Northeast Florida. They operate by distributing food both directly to individuals and to other nonprofit charities. Through their organization, Second Harvest is able to help almost 600 organizations and serves more than 160,000 people each day.
Dreams Come True is a non-profit organization whose mission is to grant dreams of children with life-threatening illnesses. Being a locally-based organization, Dreams Come true is dedicated to making any dream a reality. They are proud to say that they have never turned away a dreamer and that they never will.
Wish For Our Heroes
Wish for Our Heroes is a national nonprofit that is dedicated to granting wishes for the active-duty men and women of the United States military, as well as veterans. Their goal is to provide resources to military members, in order to make their deployments a little easier and to improve the quality of their family lives while home or during deployment.
Episcopal School is a private school located in Jacksonville Florida. Their mission is to provide a superior college-preparatory education in an environment marked by high expectation, Christian nurture, and social diversity.